Nahid Youssefi
Angela Han

Girvetz Hall - Room 2127
Wed, Jul 17 3:00pm - 3:45pm


The team at UC-Irvine has created different applications for UCI International Center. These applications have not only created a user-friendly experience for international students and eased their transitions into UCI but also made the International center processes related to SEVIS compliance paperless, efficient and cost effective. In addition, UCI has gone a step beyond and successfully implemented multiple measures such as 2-factor authentication and transparent encryption to better secure the sensitive data of our International population.

What the audience members will learn by the end of the session

  • The important role that international centers play at universities
  • The benefits of the international students’ presence in U.S. universities
  • SEVIS – Department of Homeland Security database
  • Security enhancements:
    • Multi-factor Authentication
    • Secure File Server
    • Transparent Encryption
    • Firewall and IP address restrictions
  • Homegrown applications, which have made critical mandatory immigration requirements more efficient and paperless. Benefits:

International Students - can start their mandatory check-in process before they enter to U.S., provide sensitive documents for their visas via secure online applications, check their visa status, and apply for CPT online

Staff: automated quarterly registration (6000 students at UCI), create records for admitted students and report to SEVIS (immigration database), receive less phone calls and emails, less manual data entry, process CPT applications online, confirm new students check-in

The Greater Good

Providing better services to international student helps promoting the international student recruitment to create diverse campuses and source of revenue for universities.

Previous Knowledge
General Audience

Software Installation Expectation
MS Office

Session Skill Level

Session Track
Securing Information, Assets and Systems